Worked on a main screen and different sprites. Also created this glorious website.
December to January 2022 – Saving a Game
A lot of this time would have been spent on my custom save program. the process takes a few steps.. 3. To then load the data back the load function will convert all the text into usable integers and then reassign it into the places it should be.
November to December 2022 – Concept Ideas
In this time a lot more thought went into how the game was going to be played. I also put together a few tile maps
October to November 2022 – Creating a Monster
Most of this time would have been made up of creating my monster class (the class that all monsters in the game derive of). working on features such as- Turns out there’s a lot of things a monster needs to do..
September to October 2022 – Start up
This was around about the time I more seriously started working on the game. it didn’t have a name at this point and was mostly just a bunch of ideas. A lot of my time would have been used making sprites and thinking about the core mechanics of the game.