Updates – New monster designed. Monster hard drive updates so that user is Able to see which mons are in which battle positions in every scene. Moon beam coded – an intelligence based move that hits enemies in position1 and position3 UI updated in battle scene. Encounter battle enemies updated to hold the new byte…
13th to 19th March 2023 – Speedy Moves
Two more cards have been coded in! Both quick bolt and sure hit are high priority moves that will always go first in the combat sequence. Other updates made this week- The battle teams scene has been improved so that you can now add, take away and change monsters position on the battle team. Further…
6th to 12th March 2023 – Research Tree
Due to me being on holiday at the moment a lot of stuff has been covered this week :D. More Bytes A type of byte monster has been made for each attribute in the game. each one has its own set stats and move pool. Start of game has been changed so that on top…
27th February to 5th March 2023 – Deck Displayer
Most of the work this week went into making the deck displayer. the deck displayer shows all the cards in a selected mons deck within the battle team scene. It will later be used to implement the deck building side of the game. Other Updates – Monster hard drive has been updated so that it…
20th to 26th February 2023 – Dungeons
Big improvements to the battle scene made this week, Mob AI and gameplay have really come a long way. I’ve manged now to play through a whole dungeon without the game crashing! I have also planed out and made a start on developing the Battle Team Scene. This is where the player will preform actions…
6th to 12th February 2023 – Card Coding
A lot more work went into implementing the new battle cards into the combat phase of the game. the most intricate ones being the Heal and the Shielding cards. Also a abundance of debugging was done.
30th January to 5th February 2023 – Card Coverage
A lot of the time this week has been used to develop skill cards. I’ve added in 12 new starter cards to cover Air, Earth and Water attributes. Still in the processes of coding them all into the game but I’ve managed to get through most of them.
23rd to 29th January 2023 – Battle AI
I’ve fortunately had lots of time to develop the game this week. The following has been implemented / updated. Sprites shown at the top of this post have replaced previous main screen sprites. I’ve started on a battle terminal in the idea of giving the player a better understanding of what just happened in the…
16th to 22nd January 2023 – Arty
This week has mainly been working on different art aspects of the game. such as monster sprites and scene lay outs. There is now a grand total of 15 different monsters. I’ve also set up a little recording studio in my room for the music in Data Dungeons.