Big improvements to the battle scene made this week, Mob AI and gameplay have really come a long way. I’ve manged now to play through a whole dungeon without the game crashing!
I have also planed out and made a start on developing the Battle Team Scene.
This is where the player will preform actions such as –
- Deck building for individual monsters
- Data evolution options
- A way of Levelling up monsters
- Will display all monsters stats
- Allocation of mons to different positions on battle team
Other updates and bugs fixed this week –
- Fixed powerup energy cap to max energy.
- Fixed health bars not updated when loading into new battle in dungeon.
- Battle map developed.
- Mobs can use a bigger range of moves.
- Mob AI improved – mobs won’t use moves that they don’t have enough energy to use, also wont use moves to increase current energy when energy is already at its cap.
- Improvements made to combat terminal.